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Nova Place Goes Smoke-Free

Faros Properties is committed to providing a healthy, safe and clean environment for tenants, staff, and visitors.

Faros Properties is committed to providing a healthy, safe and clean environment for tenants, staff, and visitors. Research continues to show that the use of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, and other tobacco products, as well as exposure to secondhand smoke, leads to disease and premature death for smokers and non-smokers alike. In addition, cigarette litter and smoke are toxic to our environment.

To this end, Faros Properties has established an updated smoke-free policy for Nova Place. The policy does not obligate anyone to give up tobacco products, but merely to refrain from smoking and using tobacco products on the Nova Place campus. It is hoped that the policy will serve as a catalyst for those who are ready to improve their health by giving up the use of tobacco.

Nova Place Smoke-Free Policy

Applies to: Policy applies to all Nova Place tenants, guests/visitors, contractors, vendors

Date of implementation: February 14, 2018

Smoking as defined in this policy:

Burning, inhaling and exhaling of tobacco encased in cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Use of electronic cigarettes, chewing tobacco.

Smoke-Free Nova Place Campus as defined in this policy:

All of Nova Place facilities, passageways and parking garages and lots.

Smoke-Free areas:

  • Tenant suites and restrooms
  • Building common areas (lobbies, hallways, elevators, stairwells, restrooms, dock areas, entrances and vestibules)
  • Exterior common areas (plaza, building entrances, stairwells)
  • Parking garage (all areas, including stairwells)

Designated Smoking Areas:

Refer to the map provided below.

Enforcement of Policy:

Credo Security to patrol and inform smokers of designated smoking areas when seen in smoke-free areas.

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